Tuesday, June 26, 2007

School year is coming to an end... :(

Therefore, I have been busy with finals and reviews. Took some class photos as well!


Oral English Class 1
Oral English Class 1

“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages…”--William Shakespeare, As You Like It

William Shakespeare couldn’t have said it any better. Life is a stage and each of us are actors on a big stage performing in a play called “Life.” Some plays need background music to set the mood, some plays need many beautiful cast members and dancers, some plays are solo acts, some plays are musical while some are very serious. Some plays are traditional like Beijing Classical Opera, some are funny, some are romantic and some are tragedies. Some are filled with irony and tears while others are filled with luck and laughter. Some are very mature while other plays are very childlike. Each person performs a different play, has a different soundtrack and different roles.

I will always remember your class as the class of “entertainers.” Each of you performs and stars in your own drama everyday. You may take the stage with your musical talents, with your dancing abilities, your comic natures or even perform intriguing acts that challenge the most inquisitive minds. We have performed many role-plays verging from the mundane to the controversial. As well as discussing topics ranging from the widely-accepted to the most controversial topics; topics involving both educational and social topics. Although we may come from different cities, countries, speak different dialects and languages—we share many of the same interests, dreams, and hearts of gold. Remember the words of Horace Walpole “The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.” This life-changing dramatic experience has left a profound mark in my heart. I will never forget you guys. Please keep in touch and update me on the next “scene” of your life dramas!

Oral English Class 2
Oral English Class 2

Starfish Story

From The Star Thrower (1979)
by Loren Eiseley.

An old man was picking up objects off the beach and tossing them out into the sea. A young man approached him and saw that the objects were starfish. "Why in the world are you throwing starfish into the water?"

"If the starfish are still on the beach when the tide goes out and the sun rises high in the sky, they will die," replied the old man.

"That is ridiculous. There are thousands of miles of beach and millions of starfish. You can't really believe that what you're doing could possibly make a difference!"

The wise old man picked up another starfish, paused thoughtfully, and remarked as he tossed it out into the waves, "It makes a difference to this one."

The moral of the story is to NEVER give up no matter how hard the situation may seem. I have enjoyed teaching and learning from all of you; the special shells and starfish from the sea. I have many fond memories of our class together. Many interesting discussions and role-plays! Perhaps, the most inspiring class was the class when all the students read the same Chinese characters but with different dialects (Hubei, Shanxi, Chongqing, etc)! Its such a wondrous emotion to discover that although we speak different dialects, languages and come from different places and countries---our interests, dreams and friendships connects us much like the oceans of the world. Please keep me updated on your adventures in life. You have all left footprints in my heart and I will never forget you guys.

Oral English Class 3
Oral English Class 3

There are so many fond and GOOD memories I have from this class. I have enjoyed the role-plays, the discussions and the debates. As well as some Chinese phrases in different dialects like “Chi le e?” and Fujianese. There were some funny names and symbols like Banana, King Kong, Cherry/Melissa, She-She (CeCe) and “Er hai zi” and Dumb-Dumb. This year has been an unforgettable experience that I will cherish forever. I will miss you guys! 

Some of you will indulge in the fortunes of fame and wealth, some of you will enlighten the world as teachers, Some of you will be engineers,famous politicians, musicians or actresses! The sky is the limit and your opportunities are endless!

Thanks for a great year together! Please keep in touch (K.I.T!)

Oral English Class 4
Oral English Class 4

To My Oral English Class 4 Students and Friends:
It has been an unforgettable experience being able to travel with you all on the journey of your lives by taking part in your second year of college at Beijing Wuzi University. Every one of you holds special passports that will lead you on different paths of life. Some of you will climb the business ladder, enter the world of education, enthrall the aesthetic world with your creativity, enchant the entertainment world with your talents and beauty, create new stories with the power of writing, discover the world as scientists and even astound the world as engineers. You may become politicians, TV anchors, journalists, environmentalists, lawyers or even become CEOs of your own business. Perhaps, even materialistically indulge yourselves in the riches of fortune and fame while embracing the priceless, delightful human joys of wedded bliss and parenthood. Or enjoy the simple ways of life, nature and animals. The choices are endless! But every destination requires time and efforts to acquire the proper tickets and proper modes of transportation. We are all passengers on this difficult journey of life but with the help of the right winds we are able to set sail and reach our dreams.

I have enjoyed this time we have spent together immensely. And I have learned a lot from you as well. Our topics have ranged from Western culture to Chinese culture as well as the mundane to extremely controversial topics. This includes tourism, aspects of education, migrant worker rights, the Olympics, holidays, listening to music, debating women’s rights and even, homosexuality. I have enjoyed learning and hearing the same Chinese phrase but in various dialects of Chinese (Such as Chongqing, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian, Shanghai), useful Chinese idioms and phrases (“Chi le ma?”) and savoring the delicious flavors and aromas of Chinese food (gong bao ji ding, huo guo). This life-changing experience has left a profound mark in my heart. I will never forget you guys. Please keep in touch and update me on your life’s journey.

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